Once upon a time, there lived a dragon. Usually in stories dragons are evil, but in this story the dragon is nice. One day the dragon was skipping along humming a happy tune, when she saw a sign that said “WANTED: Dragon, prize $1,000,000, contact Mr. Saxly, the dragon collector”. The dragon was shocked! The humans were hunting her! She wanted to hide, so she used her magic to turn herself into a woman who worked at the bakery in the village. The village was only restricted to humans. The dragon baked all day and at the end of the day realized she didn’t have a home. So she had to rent one. The house wasn’t really homely.
While she was a sleep, she transformed back into a dragon. The police saw her a sleep and took her to the dungeon. When the dragon woke up she felt like she was in a tempest. She was in cold silver chains. She could hear the screams from the rebellious people around her.
In the dungeon she was not given any food so the smell of fresh bread from the bakery stimulated her hunger. She spent her time dreaming about her fun and free upbringing as a little dragon.
One day she heard footsteps coming towards her dungeon. It was the police officers and a tall, bearded man. “Here she is, Mr. Saxly,” said one of the police officers. The tall bearded man replied “Well done men, it is seldom that we find a dragon around here.” He them handed over a bag of money to the police officers. The dragon looked at Mr. Saxly suspiciously and recognized his face from the portrait of him on the wanted poster. She got so mad that she burst through the chains, head butted Mr Saxly and blew fire at the police officers to clear the way out of the dungeon. She flew high up into the sky and never returned again. She lived happily ever after.
For Mr. Saxly, his whole kingdom burnt down and was forced to move to a tiny home.